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Return to Cadets 2022-2023

Writer: 655 Richmond655 Richmond

From the Training Officer’s Desk


Cadets and Parents/Guardians of 655 RCACS,

The last time that our cadets stepped into Sherman Armoury for a regular Monday training night was on April 20, 2020. It has been more than two years of postponements, cancellations, and virtual training that our cadets have had to go through. The level of dedication to keep showing up, keep involved, and keep advancing as young followers and leaders has not gone unnoticed. As the Training Officer at 655, I am pleased to announce that we are returning to In Person Training starting on September 26, 2022, from 1800hrs to 2130hrs.

Over the past couple weeks, the staff at 655 has been working extremely hard to ensure that we are ready to open the doors to Sherman Armoury and to welcome all our cadets back for the 2022-2023 Training Year. Officers are actively adapting the program according to National Directives, Cadet Warrant Officers are providing extensive amounts of coordination, and Instructors are attending preparatory instructional technique workshops.

Training will occur weekly on Monday nights, from 6:00 - 9:30pm at Sherman Armoury (5500 No 4 Rd, Richmond, BC V6X 3L5). All Returning Cadets will have also received invites as well to our Google Classroom platform that we have been using the past two years. New Recruits will be receiving the Google Classroom once they are fully registered. If you have not received an invite, please email Google Classroom will be used as a secondary tool for us this year; however, it is imperative that Cadets are active, as announcements will be posted on Google Classroom. If we must move back to virtual training due to any unforeseen circumstances this year, Google Classroom will be our main virtual platform that we will switch over to.

To the Parents/Guardians: I ask that you continue to be supportive and accommodating of your Cadet(s), as well as to the 655 Staff, as we return to in person training. Over the next couple weeks, there will be a lot of tasks for our administrative team to handle, from Returning Cadet’s health questionnaires, as well as to accepting New Recruits. Our Training Staff will be working tirelessly on ensuring your Cadets are having a knowledgeable, fun, and dynamic training night every Monday. I encourage them to attend as much as possible so that their cadet experience is as fulfilling as it can be.

We hope to see all of you when training begins on September 26, 2022. This is an unprecedented situation for all of us and we are taking this entire process one step at a time to ensure a safe, yet fun and dynamic learning environment for our cadets.

If you have any questions, please contact us through Facebook or our email,

Anticipated Schedule:

Monday September 26, 2022 (1800hrs to 2130hrs)

Start Date for Level 2+ Cadets

Saturday, October 1, 2022 (0930hrs to 1600hrs)

Level 1 Recruit Orientation

Monday October 3, 2022 (1800hrs to 2130hrs)

Start Date for New Recruits (Level 1 Cadets) + All Level 2+ Cadets

Monday October 10, 2022

Stand Down for Thanksgiving

Monday October 19, 2022 (1800hrs to 2130hrs)

Training Resumes for All Cadets

For Additional dates, please refer to our calendar:

Order of Dress:

Uniformed Cadets: Summer Dress (C3B). If you do not have all your uniform parts or if any of your uniform parts are no longer fitting, please come in a White Dress Shirt, Black Pants, Black Tie, and Black Shoes.

Masks (Optional): As we prepare to commence the new training year, there is an update to the mask policy. For cadets, they will follow Public Health Measures (PHMs) for the area where they are attending training. Currently, for all Pacific Region, this means that wearing of a nonmedical mask (NMM) at cadet activities is optional. Personnel who choose to wear a NMM will be respectfully supported in their choice to do so. Equally, those who choose not to wear a NMM will be respectfully supported in their choice.

If you have any questions, please contact us through Facebook or our email,

Hans Choi

Second Lieutenant

Training Officer

655 Richmond RCACS


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5500 No. 4 Road, Richmond, BC  V6X 3L5

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